Asheboro City Schools Dual Language Immersion Program
Asheboro City Schools Dual Language Immersion program is offered to rising kindergarten students. At this age, students have a tremendous ability to understand and learn a language other than their first language. Our program uses a 50/50 model in which students learn in English and Spanish on a daily rotating basis. Our goal is for students to be bilingual and bi-literate, and gain an appreciation for multiculturalism.
Goals of the Dual Language Immersion program:
• Students will develop high levels of proficiency in their primary language and a second language (English and Spanish).
• Academic performance will be at or above grade level in all content areas.
• Students will demonstrate positive cross-cultural attitudes and behaviors.
Student Makeup:
The Asheboro City Schools’ Dual Language Immersion program is elective and utilizes a lottery process for admittance. Families are to complete an application and submit to the Asheboro City Schools Central Office to be considered for participation in the program. Please be mindful that completing an application does not guarantee admittance to the program.
Applying to the program:
Applications are due by 5 p.m. on February 15. All applicants will then be entered into a lottery. Families will receive a letter with the lottery results by mid-February. Once families are notified of their selection to the Dual Language Immersion program, they must complete registration by August 1st. If a student who is selected does not enroll by August 1st, their spot in the program will be forfeited and offered to the first person on the waiting list.
If at any point a student surrenders their seat in the Dual Language Immersion program through the second quarter of the first grade, the next person on the waiting list will be notified.