Title I Information

District Title I Summary

All five elementary schools in the Asheboro City Schools district are classified as Title I schools. Title I is a federally funded program that provides additional resources and funds to high-poverty schools across the country. The program began in the 1960s and was reauthorized in 2001 under the No Child Left Behind Act.

The primary goals of the Title I program are to:
  1. Provide additional educational opportunities for eligible students
  2. Provide additional funding to schools and districts serving a large population of low-income students
  3. Help educators understand the needs of special student populations through professional development
  4. Improve academic achievement of eligible students and reduce performance gaps
Title I also holds states, districts, and schools accountable for implementing measurable standards for student achievement.

Parent and Family Engagement Plan

Our school believes our parents and families are an invaluable resource for helping students grow and achieve their full potential. To learn about the ways we build relationships with parents and families, please review our 2024-2025 Title I Parent Involvement Plan.

School-Parent Compact for Achievement

Each year, students, parents, and teachers are asked to sign a written agreement that explains the responsibility each group has to make sure students master grade-level standards and reach their academic goals. The Title I School-Parent Compact 24-25 demonstrates each group’s commitment to helping students grow and highlights the importance of the school-home relationship.. 

Title I Parent Presentation

The information in the Annual Title I Parent Meeting 2024-25 slideshow was presented at our parent night on Sept. 24, 2024. It contains detailed information about Title I and Read to Achieve as they pertain to our school.
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