Suggestions for Parents

Suggestions for Parents

1. Encourage your child to read every day.

2. Read aloud to your child.

3. Choose a variety of materials:  fiction and nonfiction, newspaper and magazine articles, comics and any other items of interest.

4. Read favorite books over and over again.  Rereading books helps a child read more fluently and gain confidence.

5. Discuss new words.

6. Stop and ask about the pictures/illustrations and what is happening in the story.

7. When your child comes to a difficult word, encourage a few strategies-
     - Check the picture for clues
     - Go back and reread for meaning.
     - Check the first letter of the word.

8. Read yourself, for when your children see you reading for pleasure, you present a good role model for them.

Readers are Leaders
8 Ways to Become a Great Reader
Tips for Kids
1. Read every day.
2. Read out loud with someone else.
3. Read about things that you like.
4. Take a book with you wherever you go.
5. Read everything you can, like maps, menus, signs, newspapers, and magazines.
6. Talk about what you've read.
7. Keep a log of what you've read.
8. Be proud of your reading accomplishments!
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