Frequently Asked Questions

What time does school begin?
Our school day begins at  8 am. It is important that children arrive no earlier than 7:45 am and no later than 8:15 am. A parent or guardian must always walk each child to their classroom and sign each child in and make sure that a teacher is aware of your arrival.

What time does school end?
The school day ends at 2:30 pm. All children must be picked up by 2:45 pm. Always sign each child out and make a teacher aware that you are leaving with your child. If you arrive before 2:15 or after 2:45, you must go to the office to sign your child out for the day.

What if my child misses a day of school?
If your child is ill and cannot attend school, please bring a written excuse upon returning to school. Absences for illness, doctor or dentist appointments will be excused.

When should I keep my child home?
Your child may not come to school if they have a fever of 100°F or higher or if they have vomiting or diarrhea or if you feel your child is not well enough to participate in regular school activities.

When can my child return to school after an illness?
Your child must be free from fever, diarrhea or vomiting without the aid of medication for 24 hours before returning to school. If your child is sent home from school with any of these symptoms, he or she may not return the following day.

Can my child bring a lunch from home?
Yes, your child may bring their lunch from home. The lunch must meet certain nutritional requirements (1 serving of protein, 1 serving of bread and 2 servings of fruit or vegetables). If the lunch does not meet these requirements then we are required to serve your child a lunch that you must purchase. You can opt out of the nutritional requirements by writing a letter that will be kept in your child's file.

What supplies does my child need for school?
Your child is not required to bring any supplies to ECDC. It is helpful to have a backpack or bookbag and they will need a small blanket or towel for rest time and a complete change of clothing to keep at school in case of accidents. If your child wears diapers you must supply diapers and wipes.

If you would like to donate items to the classroom please talk to your child's teacher to see what type of items they need. Useful items typically include tissues, baby wipes and Ziploc type bags.

What should I pack my child for lunch?
When packing lunch for your child, it's important they have a well-rounded meal that will nourish their brains and bodies. Please pack at least one serving of protein, one serving of bread, and two servings of fruit or vegetables. If a lunch from home does not contain these basic nutritional requirements, we are required to provide your child with a school lunch that you will have to purchase. If you choose to be exempt from following these nutritional guidelines, you must provide a signed letter stating that you choose to be exempt from the nutrition requirement.

***Please label any food item brought from home with your child’s name and the date. Give the food to your child’s teacher so that it can be placed in the refrigerator. Breakfast and lunch menus are posted in your child’s classroom.

Guías Nutricionales de almuerzo traído de casaEstos almuerzos tendrán que reunir los siguientes requisitos:
Una porción de proteína (huevo, carnes, embutidos, leche, quesos, etc.)
Una porción de granos (pan, tortillas, arroz, cebada, galletas saladas, pasta, etc.)
Dos porciones de fruta y verduras

Usted puede presentar una carta firmada indicando que elige ser exento del requisito de nutrición. Por favor escriba sobre una etiqueta el nombre de su niño (a) y la fecha y colóquelo sobre la comida que traiga de su casa. Entregue el almuerzo etiquetado a la maestro para que lo ponga en el refrigerador. Los menús de desayuno y almuerzo son publicados en el salón de su hijo

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