About Us

What are the normal school hours?
School begins at 8:20 and dismisses at 3:20. All students are dismissed at this time (unlike the staggered dismissal at some of our Elementary schools).
What time is the school office open?
The school office is open from 7:45 to 4:30 daily. This may change on Holidays.
During the summer the office is open Monday-Thursday from 7:30 to 5:30 and closed on Fridays. 

What are drop off and pick up times for students?
Students may be dropped off in front of the school beginning at 7:45 am. Please pick students by 3:45 each afternoon. These are the times when staff supervision is on duty.

What time is breakfast served?
Breakfast is served from 8:00 until 8:20 each morning.

How can I identify SAMS staff members?
All Asheboro City Schools employees (Administration, teachers, staff, custodial, bus drivers) are required to wear their ACS issued name tags while on school property and/or carrying out their school responsibilities.

What safety procedures does SAMS employ concerning visitors at school?
All SAMS visitors should enter the school through the front door of the school (Walker Avenue side) and report directly to the office, sign the visitor log and pick up a visitor badge from school personnel. No one without the proper credentials should be in a classroom area. Violations of this policy will be handled by the School Administration and our School Resource Officer.

Where do the school buses load and unload?
Buses load and unload On the Park Street side of the School facing Asheboro High School. (students will enter the building through the doors by the gymnasium). As a safety concern, we ask that no motor vehicles be in this area from 8:00-8:20 and 3:10-3:40 each day.

Can a 6th grader participate in SAMS athletics?
Sixth graders may participate in all sports except football and simply need to meet the state requirements regarding eligibility. 

How do I try out for a sport at SAMS?
Tryouts are held for each sport at the beginning of each sport season. Announcements will be made by various means to let students know these dates. All of these tryout dates (once confirmed by the Athletic Director) will be posted on the SAMS Calendar visible via our homepage. All athletes must have a current physical on file with the school Athletic Director in order to try out. Please see the school’s Athletic webpage for more information.

Can I bring my cell phone to school?
No, students should not bring any electronic devices such as these to school for any reason (this includes field trips, special class days, and athletic events). SAMS cannot be responsible for any such items that are lost, stolen, or broken, so do not bring them on campus.

Will my child be assigned a locker?
Yes, all students are assigned a locker at the beginning of school. Only school locks may be used on these lockers for security reasons. Locks and lockers are the property of the school; therefore, lockers may be searched by officials at any time. 

Can my child bring their own lock for their locker?
No, only school issued locks may be used at SAMS. Any student putting a personal lock on their locker will be told to remove it and use a school issued lock.

My child is having trouble in one of their classes.  What should I do?
You should always have a dialog with that classroom teacher first. Most problems are resolved on this level. If you feel the problem has not resolved to your satisfaction, please contact the Principal or Assistant Principal for their assistance.

My child is having a problem with another child.  What should I do?
Where the problem is occurring determines how it should be handled. If the problem is only occurring in a single classroom, you should start with that classroom teacher. If the problem is happening in multiple of locations at school, please contact one of our administrators and they will be able to direct you to the proper source for solving the conflict.

Can my child receive medications at school?
Yes, any medications needed to be taken while at school must be clearly prescribed by a physician for a specific child upon the written request of the physician and parent. Please check with the office personnel for the proper paper work and procedures. 

What is ISP?
In School Placement which is used by the Administration to allow the students the opportunity to maintain their academic progress while being isolated from other students in the school. Parent contact will be made in conjunction with each ISP placement.

Does SAMS provide any Student Services?
In Addition to teachers, students have access to the following providers of special services:
Guidance Counselor, Psychologist, Nurse, Speech Therapist and Social Worker.
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