Asheboro City Schools News Article

Asheboro High School Hosts CTE Pathways Camps

Asheboro High School Hosts CTE Pathways Camps
This summer our Asheboro CTE Pathways Camp held a variety of camps including Health Science, Minecraft Coding, Design and Engineering, and even Girls in STEM Camp. The camps were held at Asheboro High School and ran throughout July. The camps included a week full of inspiration from guest speakers, learning from hands-on experiments, and team building through activities. The camps were free of charge with breakfast, lunch, and transportation provided for students. 

During the camps, the students did activities that related to the subject and main focus of the camp. Students in the Healthcare Science Camp learned how to dress wounds, students in the Minecraft Coding Camp learned different coding techniques to apply to Minecraft, and students in the Design and Engineering Camp learned how to design and build guitars!

A highlight of the summer was the Girls in STEM CAMP. This camp was for middle school girls to encourage and inspire them to pursue a career in STEM if they are interested. The girls had the opportunity to speak with a chemist, a pharmacist, a zoo veterinarian, a lab tech, and other women in STEM field positions during meetings where they shared their experiences and answered questions from the girls. During the camp, the girls took a field trip to the NC Zoo and were taken on a hike, a tour of the vet hospital, and the wildlife rehabilitation center.

We were happy to have these wonderful students participate in these camps throughout the summer and we are even more excited to welcome them back for the 2023-2024 school year!

Students in Minecraft Coding Camp sitting at their computers

Students in Design and Engineering Camp working on their custom guitar



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